Landscape design construction 景观设计施工 Landscape design: DLC Build: GS provide the planting Maintenance: By 3rd party 景观设计:地茂景观 施工:碧意轩负责种植施工 养护:由第三方绿化公司负责
Landscape design construction 景观设计施工 Landscape design: DLC Build: GS provide the planting Maintenance: By 3rd party 景观设计:地茂景观 施工:碧意轩负责种植施工 养护:由第三方绿化公司负责
Shanghai garden 私人花园 Pudong 2013 Design & Build by Greenspace
Shanghai garden 私人花园 Design : CD-DD by GS Build: Softscape and hardscape by GS Maintenance : GS for first year after construction completion 设计:概念设计-详图设计由碧意轩负责 施工:碧意轩完成了软硬景的施工 养护:完工后一年的养护工作由碧意轩负责
Landscape construction 景观施工 Design:DLC Planting:GS Maintenance: GS 设计:上海地茂景观 种植:上海碧意轩 养护:上海碧意轩
Landscape design construction 景观设计施工 A unique hotel at downtown shanghai , include the roof garden and fountain。 Landscape Design: GS 2008 Build: GS Maintenance: GS 1 year maintain 位于上海市中心的特色精品酒店,景观包括屋顶花园及地面喷泉等 景观设计:碧意轩2008…