Water recycling system 水循环系统 Design: Water Recycling Concept design Build by 2010 Maintain by others 设计:水循环系统概念方案设计 施工:2010年 养护:其他公司负责
Water recycling system 水循环系统 Design: Water Recycling Concept design Build by 2010 Maintain by others 设计:水循环系统概念方案设计 施工:2010年 养护:其他公司负责
Water recycling system 水循环系统 Design: Concept through to build and maintenance. Build: Greenspace Ltd – NSP, wetland by others, landscape by others. Maintain: by others Description: NSP Wetlands Biokube 设计:碧意轩参与了项目的概念,施工和养护阶段…
Water recycling system 水循环系统 Design: Canal and lake concept design Build: TBD Maintain: TBD Description: – dirty agriculture water to clean lake water / lake village. 设计:河道及大湖概念设计 施工:待定 养护:待定 项目说明:将有农业污染的水质提升至洁净的大湖/营造成湖边小镇
Wetland water recycling 湿地水循环 Design: 1st Concept Build: TBD Maintain: TBD Description: Low cost and maintenance landscaping and water recycling water feature. Work in progress 设计:初步概念阶段 施工:待定 养护:待定 说明:低养护成本的绿化景观和水回收循环水景 后续工作正在进行中
We engineer and build waterscapes which mimic nature in the way they filter water and look.